Many folks, when eating oranges or grapefruit, discard the white pulp. "It doesn't taste good," they say. Science says a bit facetiously, "Eat the pulp and discard the rest."
Unquestionably, pulp is somewhat bitter compared to the juice of the fruit. However, if it tastes bad to you, it positively kills tumor cells!
Limonoids, a group of chemicals present in citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit), have been shown experimentally by Drs. Guthrie, et al.,* to kill human breast cancer cells. Okay, so the juice wasn't bad either.
Benefits of Limonoids that are Present in Citrus Fruit Bibliography
*U. of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, N6A 5C1, and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Albany, CA 94710, at the 16th Int. Congress of Nutr., July l997 & Amer. Assn. Cancer Res., l997 Annual Mtg., & l998 Mtg.
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